How to Spot Fake Gucci and Louis Vuitton Bags

fake gucci and louis vuitton bags

According to experts, any “hot” bag design is at risk of being counterfeited. High-end brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Hermès face increasingly sophisticated fake versions of their products.

The second-hand luxury handbag market is attracting fashion enthusiasts but is also a lucrative field for counterfeiters. Big names like Hermès and Louis Vuitton are among the most frequently faked brands, with the level of imitation becoming more refined. Hunter Thompson, an authentication expert at The RealReal, predicts that 2024 will see a surge in this trend, warning that “anything can be counterfeited.” Below are the most frequently counterfeited bags shared by Thompson on Business Insider.

In the secondary luxury market, a Hermès Birkin bag can cost between $6,200 and $350,000, while a Kelly bag ranges from $5,000 to $165,000. Experts advise buyers to turn the bag over and inspect the bottom. If the metal details are detachable, be cautious as it could be a sign of a fake. Additionally, Hermès does not issue orange authenticity cards. Stitching is another critical factor; Hermès bags are hand-stitched, so the stitches should not be as uniform and perfect as those made by a machine.

hermès birkin
Hermès Birkin

Not only handbags but any product from Louis Vuitton, from keychains to suitcases, can be counterfeited. Former Louis Vuitton employee Shelley Alvarado emphasizes that color is a crucial factor in distinguishing between real and fake. “The colors of authentic products are diverse and rich, not immediately recognizable at first glance, but when comparing materials, you can definitely spot the difference,” she explains.

Thompson notes that Gucci is one of the brands with the highest rate of counterfeits on the market. Iconic bags like the Horsebit or Jackie are often copied more than less popular models. The logo is essential for identifying genuine products. Buyers should pay close attention to the spacing, shape of the letters, and the sharpness of the details on the logo to avoid purchasing fakes.

In recent years, Prada has reissued several bag designs from the early 2000s. These designs have quickly been embraced by fashionistas and have also become targets for counterfeiters. According to Thompson, Prada’s triangular metal logo is a key detail for distinguishing real from fake. “We can look closely at the engraved details on the logo to check for any scratches. If there are any, it’s a warning sign,” he says. He also advises companies to check for scratches under high magnification, as “normal vision may miss these small details.”


Celine bags, particularly the Luggage line, are being counterfeited more frequently than a year ago.

“The ‘quiet luxury’ movement is on the rise, making these bags harder to detect as fakes,” Thompson notes, referring to brands like The Row, especially their Half Moon, Alexia, and Sophia bags. These bags lack logos, so authentication companies focus on hardware, leather texture, and stitching to determine the product’s authenticity.

The Rise of Sustainable Fashion

Since around 2014, searches for “cheap clothes” have sharply declined, while searches for “sustainable clothes” have significantly increased. In his book The Waste-Free World, author Ron Gonen points out that the attention to sustainable development in the fashion industry is skyrocketing, led by pioneers in sustainable fashion like Stella McCartney, Eileen Fisher, and Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia.

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